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HomeMembership Benefits


Professional Membership

Joining PRSA national and the North Florida PRSA chapter are some of the best investments you can make in your career. Membership in a recognized professional association can enhance your employability, skills, contacts, and standing with your management or clients.

In addition to the hundreds of benefits you enjoy with your national PRSA membership, there’s more benefits when joining our local chapter. Enjoy:

Programming that can keep you on the inside track on new communications strategies, techniques and trends.

Monthly luncheons with presentations on public relations issues, new methods and successful campaigns can build your professional skills, and stir your creative juices. Free programs for members are offered throughout the year.

Fellowship and networking with your professional peers.

Chapter meetings and events give you the chance to exchange ideas, develop contacts and share experiences. You'll also have online access to our membership directory.

Recognition through awards programs and chapter leadership.

Professional recognition enhances your standing in the profession, in your job and in the community.

Accreditation (APR) preparation programs.

Learn from seasoned professionals who have achieved accreditation while preparing with peers who are going through the certification process.

Professional interest sections.

Network with other professionals with comparable years of experience and/or who work in your industry.
These are just a few benefits of PRSA membership. Learn more about PRSA's membership benefits and services.

Ready to join? Visit the PRSA membership page for dues information and an application.

Please remember to add $50 for your North Florida chapter dues. For more information, email

Membership Resources



Local PRSA members are involved in all levels of the practice of public relations. Membership enables your interaction with these professionals from many area companies, helping you learn about the area, the industries and the type of public relations work happening daily across North Florida.

And, you have access through PRSA to leading PR professionals and opportunities across the globe. Networking opportunities for public relations students abound with these abilities to meet members, learn about their companies and learn about available positions.



PRSA members learn from each other and from the variety of resources provided by PRSA.  For new grads who have just landed their first PR job this is a perfect opportunity to sit with experienced professionals - Agency, Corporate or Non-Profit - and learn how to be an exemplary new professional.

APR Study Aids

PRSA members have access to some of the best study guides for the APR exam. PRSA offers iPod webcasts, online resources and many local contacts that can help you on your journey to achieving APR accreditation.

New Ideas


Being a PRSA member and interacting with other professionals helps you learn new PR tactics and keep up-to-date with the profession. Information from the local chapter and from PRSA can spur ideas for your own career growth and to use in your new job.

Student Resources


PRSA has amended its bylaws allowing PRSSA students to transition into PRSA five months prior to graduation. We are very excited about this change and hope all our soon-to-be graduates to consider this opportunity. This amendment allows students to reap the benefits of PRSSA, as well as PRSA, as an Associate member. This change originated with the PRSSA National Committee, was approved by the PRSSA Delegates and became official during the PRSA National Assembly in Salt Lake City.

Click here for more information, or visit



Tips from the PR pros in North Florida


The North Florida PRSA chapter has taken the guesswork out of what makes an intern stand out in the minds of future employers.  The following is a guide to help you get the most out of an internship to help you secure your first job:

Be Professional:  Proper work etiquette is crucial to making a good impression at your internship.  Treat your internship as you would a job. Be on time, dress to impress and have a good attitude.  

Develop Strong Writing Skills:  As PR professionals, we rely heavily on written communication to express our messages.  Pay attention to details including: AP style, grammar usage and proper word choice.

Have a Desire to Learn:  Be upfront with your goals.  Let your internship supervisor know what you want to learn from them.   

Be Proactive:  Don't wait for someone to tell you to do something.  Ask questions and seek out learning opportunities.  If you have unexpected downtime, take the opportunity to better educate yourself about the clients and industries you represent.

Learn from your mistakes:  It is important to recognize that you will make mistakes. Make sure you understand what you did wrong and strive to rectify the problem for the future.